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Altar Guild

Altar Guild responsibilities include changing the altar hangings appropriate for the season or service, filling candles, preparation of vessels for Eucharist, polishing brass and silver, and cleaning and ironing the altar cloths and hangings.

Altar Flowers may be given in honor or in memory of loved ones by signing up on a chart in the narthex. The Altar Guild Directress will make arrangements for the flowers and your intention will be printed in the Sunday bulletin. Special baskets and vases in addtion to altar flowers may also be arranged.

A rose bud is placed on the altar in honor of the birth of a new baby in our parish family.

Poinsettias at Christmas, lilies and spring flowers at Easter are dedicated in honor or memory of loved ones.

Flower Delivery Ministry volunteers deliver the altar flowers to the sick and shut-ins, or those marking special occasions. 


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